Saturday, October 24, 2009


I’m sure you’re expecting to hear how the makeover went. Well, it didn’t happen.
I got a call last night from the Aunty that hooked me up with the job.
Grrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnngggggggggg………….Phone ringing

Me: Hello Auntie *****
Auntie *****: Hi Tosin. How are you?
Me: I’m fine, thank you Auntie *****. I haven’t forgotten about the makeover, oh! I’ll meet you in Ikoyi, then we can go to Lekki together.
Auntie *****: That’s why I’m calling actually. Last minute change of plans.
(by then, I was thinking the venue or the modalities of our meeting had changed)
Me: So, where’s the party holding now?
Auntie *****: It’s not holding…………….
(all I could see in my mind’s eye were the $$$$$, Naira actually…..5-figure sum that I had spent already, mentally, slipping through my fingers)
Auntie *****: Tosin…Tosinn….Tosinnn! You there?
Me: Yes, Auntie *****
Auntie *****: Did you hear me? I said the party’s not holding till Thursday.
(oh boi! See relief. I let out a huge sigh). I’m so sorry. Do you think you can make out the time?
Me: Let me get back to you in an hour. I’ll need to check with……(voice trailing off)(I must “form” nowwww. Abi? But not too much, sha. Chei! I already had designs on that money, oh. I’d planned to pick a particular Prada bag I’d been eyeing for weeks at Mobos. It’s all good, sha!)
Out of curiousity, I asked: Why was the party postponed, Auntie *****?
Auntie *****: Oh! About 6 of the girls coming in from London can’t get off from school till Wednesday… know, so they’ll spend a few days and leave on Sunday.
Me: Oh, I see. (I don’t see anything, oh. 10-11 year old girls flying in from London, just to attend a party? I DO NOT SEE AT ALL)
Auntie *****: I’m so sorry, Tosin. I’ll call to confirm on Monday.
Me: Alright, Auntie *****, byeeeeeeeee!
And, so my Saturday changed. Ok, before that. I’d actually been approached earlier to do a bridal makeover today but I refused cos I knew the girls’ party held more prospects for me(only I understand) than the bridal. If I’d known there would be a last minute cancellation, wouldn’t I just have eaten my cake and had it? Aaarrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

I said to myself: “Well, o ba ni, ko baje”- meaning “all hope is not lost”, count your losses, Tosin and get a move on. Oh, i forgot to tell you…..i went out last night TGIF- and it was maaaaaaaaad fun. I remembered then that my folks were attending a wedding, but i was still at my friend’s……….. groggy from all of the fun of last night. Luckily, I got a cab on time…………straight to Ikeja. I got home just in time, went for the party and I was glad I did. Gist from the party, but that’ll have to wait……………I’m soooooo sleepyyyyyyyyyy.

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